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Friday, 20 January 2012

Increasing Male Fertility By shazia shah

When you are a man and you and your partner have decided that you are ready to start trying for a baby then there is a few things you can do to increase your chances to conceive. You need to increase your sperm, its quality, and its motility (activity), as well as a whole host of other things to consider.
Eat healthy, cut out the junk foods and do some light exercises. To increase sperm and sperm quality and sperm motility you should try these easy to follow simple steps. Avoid hot baths and avoid hot showers. Drink decaffeinated tea or coffees and cut down on smoking. Limit making love to every other day and/ or concentrate on having sex to centre on the timing of your partners most fertile time according to her ovulation calendar. Might be a good idea to have a fertility test and have your semen tested for quality and motility. See your local Doctor for further information on having a free male fertility test.
If you believe you may suffer from male infertility then it is best to first have a male infertility test done from your doctor or a fertility clinic. There are many over the counter male and female fertility tests available for affordable prices. They are not 100% accurate fertility tests but they may push things in the right direction. Even if you do strongly feel that you are infertile or have a low sperm count then there are many options available including IVF, Surrogate partners, adoption, treatments to increase sperm counts, etc.

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1 comment:

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