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Sunday, 5 February 2012

Properties and action of oils used in Massage (DALAK) BY Dr Izharul Hasan

Properties and action of oils used in Dalak

Roghan-e Amla Khas
Composition: Emblica officinalis (Amla sabz) 250 gm, Eclipta erecta (Bhangra sabz) 250 gm, Lawsonia alba (Leaves mehndi) 250 gm, Valeriana afficinalis (balchar) 50 gm, Zingiber zerumbet ( Zarnabad) 50 gm, Sesamum indicum oil (Roghan Kunjad) 1 lit. +125 ml
Action: Inhibits falling hairs.

Roghan-e Azaraqi
Composition (Azaraqi) 125 gm, Sesamum indicum ( Roghan Kunjad) 750 ml
Action Anti inflammatory (Tahleel-e waram), Anti arthritis and Analgesic.

Roghan-e Babuna
Composition: Matricaria chamomilla (Gul-e Babuna) 100 gm, Sesamum indicum (Roghan-e Kunjad) 300 gm
Action: Cervical Spondilysis, Anti inflammatory, Anti arthritis, Analgesic, Anti phlogistic such as Pneumonia and Pleurisy.

Roghan-e Banafsha
Composition: Viola odorata (Gul-e Banafsha) 300gm, Sesamum indicum (Roghan Kunjad) 3 litere +375ml
Action: Analgesic for headache (Shuddah), Insomnia (Sahar) and Sudoritic.

Roghan-e Bayed- Anjeer
Composition: Maghz-e Bayed-anjeer As req.
Action: Constipation (orally) 25-50 ml, Arthritis (locally).

Roghan-e Baiza-Murgh
Composition: Poultry eggs (Murghi ke anday) 10 Nos, Petroleum etner (Petrol safaid) 1 litere Or Sesamum indicum oil (Roghn-Kunjad) 700 ml Indication: Hair growth Promoter, Prevents premature graying of hair Aphrodisiaces.

Roghan-e Badam shirin
Composition: Prunus amygdalus (Maghz-badam shirin) As req.
Indication: Constipation due to intestinal dry ness, Anodyne and sudorific, Pestoratine and tonicDoes: 5-10 ml with 250 ml milk in constipation, Also L/A Hair and part of the body with massage

Roghan-e Mom
Composition: Bees wax (Mom desi) 1kg, Acacia Arabica (Charcol /kikar ka koila) 50 gm,
Indication: General analgesic, Anti arthritic, Anti Colic, Emollient for scalds and burns, Anti phlogistic such as Pneumonia, Pleurisy

Roghan-e Mastagi
Compositión: Pistacia lentiscus (mastagi) 75 gm, Sesamum indicus (Roghn-kujad)         700 ml
Indication: Hardness of the Liver, Spleen, Muscles, Nervine tonic

Roghan-e Aakh
Composition: Caloptropis gigantea (Gule- akh taza) 200 gm, Zingiber officinali (Zanjibil) 100 gm, Colchicum autumnale (Suranjan talkh) 100 gm, Sesamum indicum oil (Roghan kunjad) 850 ml
Indication: Gout, rheumatic arthritis, Lumbago, Analgesic for pain in the leg, joints

Roghan-e Kaddu
Composition: Lagenaria siceraria (Maghaz-e Tukhum kaddu) As req.
Indication: Analgesic, Sudoritic and Cerebral tonic.

Roghan-e Surkh
Composition: Calotropis gigantea (Buró-aakh taza) 100 gm, Allium sativum (lehsan) 40 gm, Berberis aristata (Darhald nimkofta) 20 gm, Curcuma longa (Haldi) 20 gm, Santalum album (burada sandal safaid) 20 gm, Strychnos nux-vomica (hab-ul gharab) 20 gm, Zingiber zerumbet (Nar kachur) 20 gm, Red oily dyc (Roghani rand) 1 gm, Brassica integritolia (Roghan-e Sarson) 250 ml, Brassica cernua (Roghan-e Rai) 450 ml, Cinna momum officinalis (Roghan-e darchini) 5 ml, Clove oil (Roghan-e Luang) 5 ml
Indication: Facial parálysis (Laqwa), Paralysis (Faliz), Gout (Nakarash), Gonagra, Podagra, Omagra, Sciatica and Lumbago, Vulnerary, anti phlogistic like Pneumonia, Pleurisy. Allied diseases due to accumulation of uric acid and crystal

Roghan-e Dhatura
Composition: Datura metal (Tukhm datura siyaha) 100 gm, Sesamum indicum oil (Til ka tail) 250 ml, Indication: Palsy Paralysis, Facial Paralysis and Gout.

Roghan Amla
Strengthens brain, hair roots and prevents falling hair and retains their blackness
Rub on the head whenever required.

Rogan Auja Sufaid
Helps in all types of pain of organs and gases. Effective in swelling of internal trauma and external trauma.
Apply on the affected area.

Rogan Azaraqi
Strengthens nerves, effective in paralysis gouts and tremory.
Apply on the affected area.

Roghan Babchi
Is useful to vitiligo (leucoderma)
Apply on the affected area whenever required.

Roghan Babuna
Helps to heal internal swelling reduces pain
Apply lukewarm roghan on the affected area brings sleep.

Roghan Badam
Dub in the scalp, it strengthens brain, soothes tired nerves and induces sleep, when given orally it removes dryness and constipation
For constipation, add milk and drink. For weakness of brain apply it on head.

Roghan Banafsha
Strengthens brain, removes dryness of the chest and induces sleep
Rub whenever required

Roghan Bars
Helps to improve blood circulation at the affected white spots area. Brings back originally of skin.
Rub on the white spots whenever required.

Roghan Baiza Murgh
Strengthens brain and brings potency. Prevents premature graying of the hair.
Rub on the scalp region. For potency apply on the male genital organs.

Roghan Chahar Barg
Effective in rheumatism and sciatica, redness and swelling
Rub on the affected part

Roghana Farfiyun
Effective in swelling of joints.
Apply on the affected part

Roghan Gul
Effective in headache and insomnia also relieves tension
Apply in head while sleeping

Roghan Haft Barg
Effective in swelling, rheumatism and sciatica
Apply on the affected part

Roghan Kahu
Brings sleep effective in headache
Apply on the affected area twice a day

Roghan Kamila
Reduces swelling, effective in baldness and itching
Apply on the affected area twice a day

Roghan Kharateen
Helps to bring vigour and vitality to the male reproductive organ
Apply on the organ

Roghan Khashkhash
Effective in insomnia and headache.
Apply on the head and forehead

Roghan Laboob Sada
Effective in weakness and dryness of the brain, chromic insomnia and headaches
Rub gently on the forehead and scalp wound in it

Roghan Laung
Effective in toothache and headache.
Apply with cotton on the wound and in headache rub on the head.

Roghan Loban
Heals the wound, destroys germs.
Apply on the affected part

Roghan Malkangni
Strengthens nerves, effective in rheumatism, sciatica, and backache
Apply on the affected part

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