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Sunday, 5 February 2012

What Causes Acne, Symptoms of Acne and Treatment BY Peter rodrick

Acne is a skin condition that occurs due to the overproduction of oil by the oil glands of the skin. The oil that normally lubricates the skin gets trapped in blocked oil ducts and results in what we know as pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the surface of skin.

What Causes Acne

Diet: We have all heard that certain foods are known to cause acne. This is completely true; if you find yourself eating a lot of chocolates or greasy food that alone can cause acne to break out on your body. Unfortunately as we get older we have to pay special attention to the choices of food that we decide to eat.

Menstrual Cycle: Yes ladies I know that it is not fair that we have to deal with a menstrual period; however this can trigger an outbreak of acne. During this time your body is going through hormonal changes and that alone can trigger acne to break out.

Acne is caused by an over production of oil beneath your skin mixing with dead skin cells. The dead skin cells block the oil from reaching the surface of the skin causing bacteria to find a home in your pore or hair follicle and voila, a pimple. What about the myths everyone has heard about acne? Eating chocolate will cause it. Having sex or masturbation can cause it. These myths are totally without merit. Many others such as hormones, heredity and stress have not been scientifically proven.

The most important factor is believed to be increased levels of androgens, the male sex hormone, which increases in males and females during puberty. Another factor may be heredity, where the gene causing the development of acne is passed down from parent(s) to children. Certain drug use may also contribute, as well as certain cosmetics, which could potentially alter the cells in the follicle, causing the follicle to stick together.

Acne Symptoms

Closed blackheads or whiteheads are plugged follicle that stay below the surface of the skin, and sooner or later appear on the skin as small, white or black bump. A blackhead appears when the plug enlarges and pushes through the surface of the skin. The

These are puss-filled spots, you can tell it's a pustule as it will form a 'balloon' or 'volcano' like shape filled with white/yellow puss and usually a yellow 'head' will form as the spot begins to heal.

Whiteheads are very similar to blackheads except it is white, mainly because the pore is closed and so therefore the pore can not oxidize. You should not try to pop Whiteheads, as it will just break the skin. Want to get rid of whitehead

Treatments Available

A topical cream that is applied regularly to the affected area. This cream usually will contain antibiotics in conjunction with cortisone or a prescription acne mediation.

A strong oral antibiotic that gradually decreases to a maintenance level.

Drink 6 to 8 large glasses of water per day. Filtered water or mineral water is recommended. Drinking water helps to eliminate toxins from the body via the bowel and kidneys. Not drinking enough water can make the body feel sluggish which can prolong the effects of Acne. Drinking Coffee and Tea can not be considered a substitute for drinking water

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